por la mañana o por la noche?

Por la mañana Por la noche Por la mañana y noche
Me afeito la cara
Me arreglo el pelo
Me cepillo los dientes
Me desayuno
Me ducho
Me lavo la cara
Me pongo el desodorante
Me seco el pelo

Reflexive verbs pron. 1


my name is Felipe killer whale

i am very big and fast so i think i  would be a good bouncer for your night club

my home phone is 903 010 0203, and my cell is 903 040 0506

I went to the university of Florida for college

I live in most seas in the world

I eat penguins,fish and large baleen whales

I am hunted by humans

my qualifications is because i am really big and i can block the door for people trying to sneak in.

i weigh 6,000 pounds and i am 22.9 feet long

i am 29 years old

d.o.b 5/9/83

i used to work as a bouncer for franks night club and i was a body guard for his brother hank.